Portuguese Citizenship for Goans

Portuguese Passport for goans

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Obtaining Portuguese Citizenship is a unique opportunity for Goans, thanks to Portugal's historical connection with Goa. Indians with Goan heritage can apply for a Portuguese passport, which opens doors to living, working, and traveling freely within the European Union. This guide will walk you through the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits of securing Portuguese citizenship. Discover how you can leverage your Goan roots to gain access to a broader world of opportunities.

Some History

From 1505 until 1961, Portugal ruled a series of colonial outposts known collectively as the Portuguese State of India. The Republic of India eventually reabsorbed all Portuguese India's numerous disparate colonies.

The last three territories under Portuguese rule were Goa, Damão, and Diu. The Goa territory, which also contained two of three of the former state's capital cities (Old Goa 1510-1843 and Nova Goa 1843-1961), covered a considerable area along the western coast of India.

Further north, the Damão territory (present-day Daman) included the isolated enclaves of Dadrá and Nagar Haveli. The Diu territory, which included Pani Kota Island, was situated on the southern coast of the Kathiawar Peninsula. The Republic of India claimed these territories, incorporating both the people and lands into their republic.

However, Portugal also recognizes the natural right to Portuguese citizenship for people born before the annexation of the colonial territories. Should they wish, their descendants can apply for citizenship.

Citizenship requirments, who can apply?

Portugal ensured citizenship for all individuals born before 1961 in the old Portuguese State of India and their families and desdendants, per the Portuguese Nationality Law 37/81 and additional legislation.that allows the Goa portuguese citizenship The information presented here is a summary of the basic rules determining who is entitled to citizenship by the Portuguese Nationality Law 37/81 and the Goa Portuguese Citizenship

How are Descendants Eligible?

As mentioned above, individuals born in the former Portuguese territories of Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra, and Nagar Haveli are de facto Portuguese citizens. These individuals can reclaim their citizenship even after death if a living descendant applies or requests. This ensures that up to the third generation of descendants of Portuguese Indians can apply for Portuguese citizenship.

Passport Application Status and processing time

After applying for a Portuguese passport, you will want to stay up-to-date on its status. We enable you to track all changes on your application using the most advanced online tools and stay ahead by knowing the process time comparing with older cases.

Advantages of submission through a local office

There are many cases submitted at the portuguese authorities that were misplaced, lost and incorrectly supported by many practicioners involved. We provide help by consulting the case and inspect where it may be improved trying to unlock it's progression.

We will be gald to consider your case and examine the documents you already have.

Don't hesitate to mail us with your questions. Kindly scan existing documents to facilitate the examination.

Check the latest news on goan portuguese passport at: info@cscadvogada.com

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