Portuguese Citizenship for minors
Mail us to get a comprehensive brochure on this: info@cscadvogada.com
Children born after one of the parents has received the portuguese citizenship
All children under the age of 18 born from a Portuguese parent received the citizenship, have citizenship by birth, an administrative procedure is done to register the new birth and concede the citizenship but is normally a fast procedure up to 6 months.
No government fees are charged for minors born after the parents got the citizenship.
We recommend the marriage between parents to be registered before applying.
Children born before parent became a portuguese citizen
The first step is for the parents to register 'their marriage with the Portuguese civil registry. The second step is for the parents' to register the child's birth with the Portuguese civil registry. The procedure takes more than one year to complete.
The application must contain the following documents and govermanet charge a fee for this.
A. Portuguese parent's birth certificate; and
B. Non-Portuguese parent's birth certificate with an apostille; and
C. Marriage certificate with an apostille; and
D. Minor's birth certificate with an apostille; and
E. Passports from both parents and the child; and
We will be gald to consider your case and examine the documents you already have.
Don't hesitate to mail us with your questions. Kindly scan existing documents to facilitate the examination.
Mail to: info@cscadvogada.com