D2 Residence Visa
How to get a Portugal D2 Visa?
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D2 Visa for Foreigners: Article 58, paragraph 1 of Law no. 23/2007 of 4 July and article 24 d) of Regulatory Decree no. 84/2007 of 5 November.
The Visa D2 was created with the objective of attracting foreign entrepreneurs who want to invest in Portugal, creating small and medium sized companies or professionals intending to start working in Portugal.
Is suitable for the entrepreneurs or exercise of an independent professional activity
▪ It is a residence visa issued by the Portuguese Embassy that serves your country of origin, followed by a long term residence permit issued in Portugal, directed for non-EU citizens.
▪ The Temporary Residence Permit valid for a period of 2 years, renewed for periods of 3 years. This permit obliges to a minimum stay of 6 months a year, plus 2 months in each period of its validity (provided that applicants do not leave the country for more than 6 consecutive months). However, longer absences are allowed if due to professional, cultural or personal reasons.
▪ As a new resident of Portugal applicants may be eligible to benefit from a special tax status under the "non-habitual resident" (NHR) tax regime, which will allows a 10-year tax exemption on most non-Portugal-sourced types of income.
The Procedure
The Portuguese consular embassies of the applicant's place of residence can judge which applicants meet the criteria for the D2 Visa. The consular service in charge will request a binding legal opinion from the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Police (SEF), which will issue their opinion within 20 days.
The decision on the visa application takes 60 days from the date of its submission.
To be able to apply for this visit a NIF number is needed and a portuguese bank account plus a list of documents needs to be preapred.
After the consultate approved the temporary D2 visa, the aplicant can move to Portugal and apply for the final D2 visa at the SEF office.
The exact requirements of each Consulate may vary, but as a rule the applicant will be required to bring at least the following documents:
▪ a statement that you have set up, or intend to set up, a business in Portugal (this statement must indicate the nature, value and duration of
the business activity);
▪ proof that you have set up a business in Portugal (e.g. company incorporation documents, latest company accounts and corporate bank
account statement from a Portuguese bank); or roof that you have the financial means available in Portugal to start a
business (e.g. a corporate bank statement from a Portuguese Bank and a letter from the bank confirming that funds are being held in that account
for that purpose)
▪ a CV; and
▪ a business plan (Article 31(2) and (3) Regulatory Decree No. 84/2007).
Or for the professional activity route:
Have a contract or written proposal for a service contract in the liberal professions and are qualified to exercise the independent activity, whenever applicable.
Type and Validity of the Visa
The D2 Visa is a temporary residency visa intended to help the holder to obtain a long-term residence permit in Portugal. The Visa remains valid for two entries.
Residence Permit
D2can obtain a residence permit usually valid for two years, which can be renewed for three years. The residence permit can be traded toward a permanent residence permit after five years.
Residence Permits and Family Reunification
The individual family members of a person in possession of a residence permit (obtained via a D2 Visa) are also entitled to residence permits, based on family reunification statute.
Residents' Rights
Without prejudice to special provisions and other rights provided in Portuguese Law or any international convention to which Portugal is a party, the holder of a residence permit shall be entitled to, without the need for special authorization, the following:
1. Access to the Portuguese National Health Service;
2. Access to the Portuguese National Education Service;
3. Exercise of any work activity as an independent professional;
4. Access to Portuguese vocational schooling and further professional training;
5. Access and protection by the Portuguese Law and legal system.
Your Application will consist of the following documents.
1. Official D2 Visa form;
2. Passport or additional travel document valid for at least 3 months after the duration of the stay;
3. Two up-to-date passport photos;
4. Valid travel insurance, allowing medical coverage, including medical emergencies and repatriation (coverage needs to be valued at no less than €30,000);
5. Proof that you are residing legally in the country from which you are applying;
6. Request for criminal record enquiry by the Immigration and Border Services (SEF) (this will be provided to you by the visa centre);
7. Criminal record certificate from the country you are currently living in and for any country in which you have lived for over year (children under the age of 16 are exempt from producing a criminal record);
8. Proof of means of subsistence (this requires original personal bank statements from the last 6 months);
9. Proof of accommodation (if it is a hotel reservation then it has to be valid for no less than 10 days); and
10. Flight reservation (tickets should be bought after the visa is issued).
11. Authorization to check the Portuguese criminal record
12. Motivation letter stating the purpose of the visa, where does intend to live and the timeframe to live in Portugal.
If you want our assistance to apply for this Visa, please contact us.