D7 Residence Visa

A residency oportunity for those living on income - pension, rentals, dividends

Portuguese D7 Visa or the Portugal income visa

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D7 Visa for Foreigners: Article 58, paragraph 1 of Law no. 23/2007 of 4 July and article 24 d) of Regulatory Decree no. 84/2007 of 5 November.

Pensioners, retired international citizens or other immigrants living from a stable income stream, such as transferable equity, real estate, intellectual property, or financial investments are permitted to apply for a special visa. Portuguese Law provides for a D7 Visa, which allows foreign citizens who wish to retire in Portugal or live on their income, regardless of age, a Portuguese residence permit.

1. The Procedure

The Portuguese consular embassies of the applicant's residence country can judge which applicants meet the criteria for the D7 Visa. The consular service in charge will request a binding legal opinion from the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Police (AIMA), which will issue their opinion. Usually the decision on the visa application takes 60 days from the date of its submission.

To be able to apply for this visit a NIF number is needed and a portuguese bank account plus a list of documents needs to be preapred.

After the consultate approved the temporary D7 visa, the aplicant can move to Portugal and apply for the final D7 visa at the AIMA office after a booking as ben secured.

2. Type and Validity of the Visa

The D7 Visa is a temporary residency visa intended to help the holder to obtain a long-term residence permit in Portugal. The Visa remains valid for two entries.

3. Residence Permit

D7 can obtain a residence permit usually valid for two years, which can be renewed for three years. The residence permit can be traded toward a permanent residence permit after five years.

4. Residence Permits and Family Reunification

The individual family members of a person in possession of a residence permit (obtained via a D7 Visa) are also entitled to residence permits, based on family reunification statute.

5. Residents Rights

Without prejudice to special provisions and other rights provided in Portuguese Law or any international convention to which Portugal is a party, the holder of a residence permit shall be entitled to, without the need for special authorization, the following:

1. Access to the Portuguese National Health Service;

2. Access to the Portuguese National Education Service;

3. Exercise of any work activity as an independent professional;

4. Access to Portuguese vocational schooling and further professional training;

5. Access and protection by the Portuguese Law and legal system.

6. Your Application will consist of the following documents.

1. Application form (available on AIMAs website);

2. Passport or another valid travel document;

3. Two identical passport-approved photos;

4. Evidence of adequate travel insurance, with coverage for all medical expenses including urgent medical assistance and possible repatriation.

5. Criminal background check by SEF.

6. Certificate of criminal records issued by the country of origin (or any state where the applicant resided for more than one year).

7.  Evidence of adequate accommodation.

8.  Evidence of health insurance coverage.

9. Evidence of annual household income.

10. Income or pensions that, for 12 months, amount to no less than €7.200 for the first adult, €3.600 for subsequent adults; and €2.160 per child.

11. Six-months; of bank statements.

If you want our assistance to apply for this Visa, please contact us. We will gladly help you to preapre sucessfull aplication, get the tax number, open a bank account, secure a boking at AIMA and escrt you to the authorites interview.=

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